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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

How To Generate Reviews For Real Estate Business And Get More Buyers

As a real estate business or agent, reviews are very helpful in increasing your online listing and building a reputation in search engines. There are buyers looking for houses to buy each day but they do not know the right real estate firm or agents to meet. A good online presence can effectively link you to more buyers.

Newly wedded couples are looking to buy a new house, divorced couples wants to sell their houses for divorce settlements, different people are in search of houses to buy but don’t know the right place or the right agent to meet. All these can be made easy just by a good reputable online presence and listing.

A study from National Association of Realtors showed that 92 percent of buyers go online to begin their search for houses. This means that almost all the people that want to buy a house check on real estate firms or agents available online.

This is why you need to increase your online presence on search engines such as Google and also build a good reputation for yourself either as a real estate firm or agent.

There are different ways real estate business can generate more reviews to increase their online listings in order to get more buyers.

Create an Easy-to-use Website

To generate more positive reviews and get more buyers, it is very important to create a website that is easy to use and of great assistance to buyers.

Your real estate website should contain all useful information and available houses for sale clearly listed with their prices and every other information that will encourage the buyer to buy from you.

The website should also be easy to navigate as this will encourage the buyers to go further in their quest.

Create Business Pages On Local Business ReviewSites

Business review sites such as Google My Business, Bing, Yahoo, e.t.c, are very useful in generating reviews to increase business online listings.

Get your real estate business on these sites and generate more reviews to appear at the top of search engines in order to get seen by buyers.

Create Newsletters

Newsletters are efficient ways to inform buyers and potential buyers of updated real estate information.

Send newsletters to buyers and potential buyers through their emails with notices about upcoming open houses, new available houses on the market and other useful information.

Depending on your geographical location and the buyer’s geographical locations, segment your newsletters to get to the right buyers and potential buyers.

Get Involved in Community Activities

As a real estate business owner or agent, when you get involved in community activities, you get to meet different people and communicate with them.

Through your communication with them, you inform them about your profession, you never can tell as someone might just be looking for an available house to buy.

Host Free Seminars For Home Buyers

A free seminar for home buyers is a good way to gather a lot of buyers in one place. The importance and benefits of this cannot be overemphasized as you do not only get to meet with many buyers but you also promote yourself and your business.

A free seminar might take energy, time and resources to execute but the end benefits are worth the efforts.

Optimize Your Website for Smart Phones

A study has shown that 80% of internet users use their mobile phones for internet activities. This means that to get more buyers access to your real estate website, you need to make it very compatible with mobile phones.

Buyers and potential buyers should have the same layouts and information when they use their mobile phones as when they use a desktop or a laptop.

Send URL links

This is another effective way to generate more reviews and get more buyers. Send your real estate website URL links to buyers and potential buyers through their email or personal phone numbers. Encourage them to leave reviews for you in a friendly and professional manner.

Use Social Ads

Advertise your business on social media by using Ads. Social media such as Facebook has millions of active users every day and advertising on it is an effective way to get acquainted with more buyers.

Facebook has helped many businesses gain more clients in recent years, so take advantage of this to get more buyers.

Be discovered on Zillow

Zillow is the number 1 site for real estates searches in the world. It accounts for 48% of all site traffic searches for real estates on the web.

As a real estate agent or real estate business, you can create an account and advertise yourself on Zillow. Users on Zillow can also review you, the more reviews you get the better your online presence which leads to more buyers for you.

Use Social Media for Publicity

Apart from Facebook, there are other different social media such as Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat, Pinterest, Google+, e.t.c. You can upload nice pictures on these social media platforms and add your website link to direct users to your website.

Make the image captivating so that users will be more curious and excited to click the link attached so as to see more.

These are some of the effective ways you can generate reviews as a real estate business or a real estate agent. Your website is your number one marketing tool as a real estate business or agent.

One major thing that attracts buyers to make a decision of buying a house online is the pictures of both the interior and exterior of the house that they see on the website.

This is why you need to have as many nice captured pictures of the houses you want to sell and upload them to your website.

Generating more traffic to your website is good but what is the need for generating traffic to your website but you don’t make any sales at the end of the day. So make your website your focal point if you want to make more sales.


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