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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

20 Google My Business Hacks SEO for MedSpa and Salons

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Google My Business Hacks SEO for MedSpa and Salons 20 Google My Business Hacks SEO for Medical Spa and Salons: Google is the largest search engine in the world today. As the most visited website in the world, Google processes over 8.5 billion searches daily. Tons of people use Google to search for businesses and services. This is why it is very important for your medical spa or salon to show up on top of search results on Google. When consumers search for your medspa on Google, does your med spa appear on top of search results? If you stay close to your med spa and search for “med spa near me” on Google, does your med spa appear on the first page of the search result? If people, both in your city and outside your city, search for “med spa near me” on Google, does your med spa appear on the first page of search results? A lot of people search Google for products and services. According to stats, Over 46% of product searches begin on Google. This is almost half of the product searches in the entire world. Most consumers find salons on Google these days. According to stats, 97% of people will click on one of the salons that pop up on the first page of search results. If your salon doesn’t appear on the first page of search results, you basically are losing clients. Ensuring that your salon appears at the very top positions of Google’s search results should be your marketing priority. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most important way that you can make your salon appear on the first page of Google’s search results. By successfully implementing SEO for your medical spa or salon, you’re on the right path to acquiring new clients and growing your med spa business.  Successful SEO on Google will make your medspa or salon appear on top positions of search results on Google so that more people can see your med spa when they search for med spa services. In this article, we will show you Google My Business Hacks SEO for Medical Spa and Salons you need to take to ensure that your med spa and salon appear in top positions of search results on Google.

1. Create A High-Performing Website

MedSpa business, the first thing you should do is to create a high-performing website. Without a website, it is impossible for consumers to see your MedSpa when they search for MedSpa practices on Google. You need a high-performing website to build visibility on Google. You can easily create a website by yourself. There are tons of website builders online for salons. You can choose any salon website template, edit and add all necessary information of your MedSpa on your website pages. If you can’t create a website by yourself, it is best to hire a professional website designer or developer that will help you create a high-performing website. Your website should have a unique design that is optimized for visibility in Google search.

2. Get Your Salon Registered With Google My Business Profile According to stats, Google my Business Profile accounts for 19% of Google ranking performance for local businesses. In case your salon is not yet registered on Google My Business, you should get it registered on it immediately. Registering on Google My Business increases your visibility when people search for salons in or around your location. You can register a lot of details about your salon, including the location of your medspa and salon on Google My Business. Google will be able to match you with a potential client when he/she searches for salons with keywords such as “salon near me”. Google uses its map to actually determine if your salon is close to the person and uses the content in your profile to determine if to suggest your salon or not.

3. Create Relevant Content For Your Website The primary aim of Google is to help people find what they’re looking for. Google can only find your salon when people are searching for salon practices if you give them enough information about your salon. You need to bear in mind that there are lots of salons in your city or town. So, you need to do better to ensure that your salon appears in top positions when people search for salons in your city or town. To make your salon appear on the first page of search results, one of the important things that you should do is to create relevant content for your website. To achieve this, you first need to be clear on what people are searching for on Google and for which you like your salon to appear. When you know this, you will be able to optimize the content on your website to match those things that people are searching for. You need to know what people enter into the search bar when searching for salons (or anything else). These are known as keywords or keyword phrases. Keywords are the common words or phrases that people enter into the Google search box when searching for anything on Google. As a salon owner, you need to know the common keywords that people use to search for salon practices on Google. When you’ve identified the keywords, you’ll then need to add them to strategic places on your website so that Google can use those keywords to match your salon. This way, Google will display your salon website when people search for salons using any of those keywords. There are different ways you can get keywords that people usually use to search for your type of salon. You can make random Google searches using “salon” as a major keyword. For examples; “salon near me” “salon in Dallas” “best salon in Dallas” “best bridal salon in Dallas”. You can make random searches by adding salon to your keywords on Google and see other keywords commonly used by people. You can also brainstorm and add possible keywords that you think people can use to find your salon.  Play around with your new keywords or phrases on the Google search bar and jot down suggested keywords that appeared. Those suggested keywords displayed by Google are the common keywords or phrases used by people to search for salons on Google. Having the right content on your website, which includes your keywords, is a good foundation that can help your salon website appear on top positions on search results.

4. Pay Attention To Your Salon’s Homepage Your salon’s homepage is the first page that people will see when they come across your medspa and salon’s website. It is important to have the most important content, including the most important foundational keywords on your homepage. Your homepage should contain relevant and important content about your salon.

5. Page Titles and Descriptions Page titles are the titles of each page on your website. These titles are visible to visitors, as well as to search engines. Your page title is what people will first see you’re your page pops up on Google search results. Optimize your page titles to stand out if you want your website to rank on top positions on search results. Incorporate the focus keyword for each page in the title and make your page title relevant to the page content. Your page title should be compelling and contain relevant information that can prompt people to click on it.

6. Header The header is also known as body tags that help organize your content for readers. They also help Google to distinguish the parts of your content that are most important and relevant, depending on search keywords. The content in your header is very important to Google. Ensure that you include keywords in your headers and sub-headers.

7. Meta Descriptions Meta descriptions are the short page descriptions that appear under the “title” in search results. Meta descriptions describe what a page is all about. Your meta description can influence if your page will be clicked on or not. Include your entire keywords in your meta descriptions and compelling sentences to draw attention.

8. Mobile Responsiveness A lot of people use their phones to check for information on Google more than they use laptops or computers. Nearly 60% of all online searches are carried out on mobile devices. Google checks the mobile responsiveness of your website when it comes to rankings on search results. Choose a website hosting service, site design and theme, and content layout that's easy to navigate on mobile devices. Your website layouts and content should appear on mobile just the same way it appears on computers.

9. Website Speed Google gives priority to websites that are optimized for faster mobile speed. The speed of your website is very crucial when it comes to ranking. Most people will leave your website if it doesn’t load fast. According to stats, 40% of people will abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Your website needs to load very fast for it to rank on top positions on search results. Your website should load very fast whether it’s being viewed on a mobile device or computer.

10. Your Website Should Be Secure Google favors websites that are secure far more than websites that are not secured. Security is of paramount importance to Google. Security means that all communication and data are protected and secured. Websites will high-security ranks higher on Google search results. Ensure that your website is secured.

11. Image Alt-text Image alt-text is like SEO for images. It tells Google what your images are about and if they are relevant to search queries made by people searching for salons. Google displays relevant images on search results according to search queries. Visitors can discover your website through your images if your image alt-texts contain relevant information. You need to include alt-text in your images, and they should be descriptive and specific. They should also be relevant to your page content.

12. Your Website Should Work Across Multiple Browsers An SEO-friendly website is one that works across multiple browsers. Apart from Google Chrome, there are other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera. A website that works across multiple browsers can be used by more people. Google ranks websites that can work across multiple browsers higher. Visitors will find it easy and convenient to access your website regardless of the browser that they’re using.

13. Your Website Should Contain Clean Codes Every website is made up of codes, and when these codes are not properly written, it can affect the performance of your website. The codes that make up your website should be properly written so that your website can perform excellently. Websites with clean codes boost page loading speed and SEO ranking. It speeds up updates of essential SEO elements, and search engines such as Google are able to find these elements quickly and quickly find your website.

14. Your Website Should Support Most Plugins Website plugins help unlock your website’s true potential by providing additional features. With website plugins, website owners and users can enjoy additional features. Google ranks websites with plugins higher than those without plugins. There are tons of website plugins available. Some popular website plugins include WooCommerce, Jetpack, and Google Analytics.

15. Your Website Should Be Updated Regularly Updating your website regularly is crucial for security and bug fixes. Developers update websites to provide the latest security patches, fix bugs, clean up old codes, and address any compatibility issues. Your website won’t load if it’s not compatible with the latest version of Google Chrome. Updating your website regularly improves the performance of your website and also increases your website’s ranking on Google.

16. Create Valuable Backlinks Creating backlinks is a major off-page SEO technique that is crucial for your website’s ranking. Backlinks are links from other sites that connect to your website. Backlinks are a major ranking factor that Google uses to determine your website’s ranking. Google interprets backlinks as a sign of trust from other sites. Google will rank a website higher if its domain has more backlinks. Google also considers the quality of your backlinks, as well as the relevancy of the link to your domain.

17. Create Authoritative Content Authoritative content is content that contains original perspectives and new research. Investing time in conducting extensive research to create authoritative content on your website can high shot up your website ranking. Publishing more authoritative content on your website will not only increase your ranking, it also helps you gain quality backlinks.

18. Guest Content Providing third-party websites with guest content is another effective off-page SEO technique that can help increase your website ranking. Reach out to third-party websites whose target audience is similar to yours and share your content with them. Ask them to post your content on their various websites and social media pages. When they post your content on their websites, you will gain more visibility. You will also gain valuable backlinks.

19. Local Listings Local listing is another effective off-page SEO technique that can help you increase your ranking on Google search results. Enlisting your salon into local listings can be vital for rankings, specifically in localized search results.

20. Find Your competitor’s Ranked keywords Finding your competitor’s ranked keywords can be used to your advantage. You can get a competitive advantage over other sites in your industry by identifying their ranked keywords. You will gain a better understanding of your competitor’s strategy and how to move ahead of them when you know what they’re doing. You can understand how your competitors are ranking on Google and use it to your advantage.

21. Social Media Marketing You can use social media marketing to extend the reach of your content and also increase your ranking on Google. Social media encourages more clicks to your content. Social media marketing increases the visibility of your salon’s website.

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