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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Online Reputation Management Software for Lawyers and Law Firms

The online reputation and presence of lawyers and law firms are very important.

A good online reputation of a lawyer and law firm will lead to greater trust.

It drives the demand of the lawyer and law firm among legal consumers.

A lawyer with a good online reputation has a good track record and more legal consumers will be in search of such lawyers.

A good online reputation expresses satisfaction with a lawyer and a law firm’s services.

Why reputation is so important for Lawyers and Law firms?

The reputation of lawyers and law firms is becoming increasingly important in society today.

A good reputation provides lawyers and law firms with good benefits such as:

1. Sourcing for new clients

A good legal expertise fosters a good reputation and a good reputation bring in more clients for lawyers and law firms.

To build a good reputation, a lawyer needs to be excellent in his or her duties.

He or she should have excellent interpersonal skills and be able to provide good services for his or her clients.

This will make the client satisfied with his or her services and make them say good things about him or her online.

Other prospective clients want the services of such lawyer and law firm due to the good things which people are saying online.

In summary, a good reputation leads to the acquisition of more clients for lawyers and their law firms.

2. It helps to establish trust

Trust is earned overtime for good deeds, services or products a person or organization provides.

Good online reputation is as a result of good legal services that a lawyer and a law firm are provided to its client’s overtime.

Just as the way people trust a well-known brand due to its provision of excellent products and services over time, people as well trust a lawyer and law firm that has a good online reputation.

Good online reputation establishes trust in the mind of prospective customers.

3. It increases the value of a lawyer and law firm

Good online reputation increases demands which invariably increases the value of a lawyer and law firm.

As a lawyer, when you have a good reputation, more legal consumers will want to seek your services. Your demand will be high.

An increase in your demand will lead to an increase in your value and the value of your law firm.

4. It generates more revenue for a lawyer and the law firm

An increase in demand leads to more clients which invariably lead to more revenue acquired.

A lawyer and a law firm with a good reputation have an increase in value and charges higher than lawyers and law firms which are low in demand.

The numbers of clients also increase which leads to the generation of more revenue.

5. It enhances brand sustainability

The ability for a brand to remain at the top of the ladder among its competitors is what sustains the brand.

Also, the ability of a lawyer and its law firm to remain at the top among other lawyers and law firms is what sustains the lawyer and its law firm.

A lawyer that does not have constant good online reputation might be at the top of the ladder today and fall to the bottom of the ladder tomorrow.

This why lawyers and law firms need the services of a good online reputation management software to protect and enhance their online reputation in order for them to remain at the top.

A good online reputation that is constant and protected leads to brand sustainability.

Good Online review sites for lawyers and law firms

Online review sites are very important for lawyers, law firms and prospective clients.

Prospective clients use review sites to find and rate lawyers.

Review sites help prospective clients to make quick and easy decisions when looking for lawyers while it helps the lawyers and law firms to get new clients.

Statistics from BrightLocal showed that 80% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

60% of consumers first need to read about four or more reviews before making an opinion or making a decision.

Almost half of all prospective clients agreed that a lawyer’s reputation matters to them.

Lawyers and law firms need to have their business pages on review sites where their clients can write reviews about their them and their services.

There are tons of online review sites for lawyers and law firms.

We are going to recommend the top 5 review sites for lawyers and law firms.

1. is arguably the top ranking review sites for lawyers and law firms.

It contains a database of over 1 million lawyers and their reviews.

It evaluates a lawyer’s ability and ethical behaviors based on client’s ratings and reviews.

Legal consumers can search for lawyers based on their location, area of specializations and legal issues.

All the information about a lawyer is available and prospective clients can also view the website of the lawyer from the review page.

New users can sign up and create their profile.

2. is similar to It is a database of thousands of lawyers across the United States from different law firms and specialties.

Clients can leave reviews on each lawyer’s page and rate them according to their abilities.

3. Better Business Bureau

Better Business Bureau is an online review site for different kinds of businesses and services.

It is one of the best review sites in the world today.

Legal consumers can search for lawyers from any locations in the U.S, Canada and Mexico.

All important information about a lawyer is available on the lawyer’s page.

Prospective clients can read reviews and ratings of a lawyer and as well leave a review.

4. is another top review site for lawyers and law firms.

It is a database of thousands of lawyers of different practices. You can find any lawyer based on their areas of specialization.

You can see the ratings and reviews of a lawyer in order to enable you make the best choice.

You are also able to rate a lawyer and leave a review.

5. is another good review site that houses thousands of lawyers in different specific states across the U.S.

Prospective clients can view and leave reviews of different lawyers from different states and area of specialization.

5 ways online reviews will help you get more clients

1. By enhancing your online reputation

Online reviews can help you enhance your online reputation leading to the acquisition of more clients.

According to some surveys and data, 91% of consumers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Consumers are willing to spend 31% more on business with excellent reviews.

These means that reviews are very important in acquiring more client and positive reviews are even better.

2. It increases trust

Trust is very important in any business or profession.

For you to experience growth in your law profession and get more clients, you need to be trustworthy.

91% of consumers trust in reviews as much as personal recommendations.

This means that with good reviews from your clients, prospective clients will trust you and will want to seek your services.

Trust is earned, you have to provide excellent services for your clients to say good things about you and for prospective clients to trust in you.

When the services you provide are good, more clients will leave positive reviews on your review pages.

The more the positive reviews, the higher your ratings and the more clients you will get.

3. It increases brand awareness

Online reviews help to increase your brand awareness.

When more people leave reviews on your review pages, more people also get to read those reviews and get to know about you and your law firm.

More people will get to talk about you both online and offline.

This increases your brand awareness across a city, state and country.

4. It enhances and increases professionalism

There are millions and millions of lawyers in the world today but not all of them are professionals.

As a lawyer, before people start saying good things about you, you must have provided excellent or professional legal services.

When clients leave reviews on your page, they are generally enhancing and increasing your professionalism which leads to the acquisition of more clients.

5. It influences prospective clients and facilitates quicker decision making

90% of consumers said that reading positive online reviews influenced their purchase decision, while 86% said that reading negative reviews also influenced their purchase decision.

This also is the case in the legal industry. The reviews of clients influence the decisions of prospective clients.

They make quicker decisions based on the reviews they read.

How to ask your clients for reviews

Increasing the number of reviews on your review page is very important. Your ratings will increase based on the number of reviews you have.

There are several ways you can ask for reviews from your clients. These include:

1. Ask

Data has shown that 7 out of every 10 people will leave a review if you ask.

After providing services for your clients, kindly ask them to leave you a review on your review page.

Happy clients are generally more willing to leave reviews if you ask them.

2. Run an email and SMS campaign

An email campaign is email automation for review requests.

It is an effective and efficient way to request reviews from your clients.

Your client’s contacts and email addresses are added to a database.

The email automation system automatically sends review requests to your clients via their email addresses, directing them to leave a review on your review page.

You can as well send review requests to your clients via SMS.

3. Use banners and posters

You can also ask for reviews by pasting posters and banners at strategic points in and around your office environment.

When your clients read the posters and banners, they will be reminded to leave reviews.

4. Provide incentives or rewards

Providing a form of incentives or rewards to clients for reviews will increase the numbers of clients willing to leave reviews.

You can give a discount or a gift card for any client that leaves a review.

This will not only boost the number of reviews; it will also increase the numbers of positive reviews you will get from your clients.

5. Post review requests on social media

Almost everyone both young and old are on social media.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has millions and billions of users.

As a lawyer, most of your clients are on these social media platforms.

You can post about your services on these social media platforms and also request for reviews.

6. Use third-party review sites and software

There are third party review sites and software that are used to generate reviews.

You can use the services of these review sites and software to request and generate more reviews from your clients.

These review sites and software can work on your behalf and help you generate reviews.

Reputation management software benefits for lawyers and law firms

Reputation management software is a software that is used to manage and enhance the reputation of individuals and businesses.

They provide immense benefits for lawyers and law firms which include:

1. Help to manage their online reputation

Reputation management software is used to manage the online reputation and presence of lawyers and law firms.

They work on behalf of the lawyer and the law firm, help them manage and enhance their online reputation.

2. Generate reviews

Reputation management software help to generate reviews by asking clients to leave reviews on different review platforms.

They can as well accumulate reviews from different review platforms and place them on your most important review page or website.

3. Increase traffic and conversion rates

Via reputation management software, more prospective clients will be directed to your website.

This help to increase traffic to your website and increases conversion rates.

4. It helps in acquiring more clients

Reviews facilitate the acquisition of more clients.

Prospective clients first go through reviews before making decisions if to contact you or not.

If they are satisfied with the reviews from other clients, they will be more willing to seek your service.


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