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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Magic rating alternative why Intellius Medical is better than Magic rating to generate review

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

What is magic rating?

Magic rating is a company that facilitates for the generation of online feedbacks and they encourage reviews online. It has an automated platform and collects the email address of your clients in order to handle every aspect of the review generation from start to finish.

With magic rating, you can easily have access to the reviews of your patients and clients no matter where they are located in the world.

A customised email is sent from the platform of magic rating in order to begin the feedback process. Once the email address of your patients and clients have been entered, then the entire process begins from then on.

It has made the generation of online reviews simple, easy, fast and satisfying. Though it is simple, it is powerful in the gathering of patients and clients feedbacks. With its state of the art automated platform, magic rating has ensured that your business and practise grows many fold with the right application of the software.

The generation of reviews is done by asking the patient and client to give their ratings as to how likely they will recommend your business and the services offered to others.

Features of magic rating

The following are the features of Magic rating:

It all begins with an email. They provide you with a platform where you can interact with your patients and clients and then start collecting the feedback and the ratings from them.

This will give you all the information that you need as to what they think of your business and the services offered by you, their reviews on it and where your business stands exactly with them, and the scope and potential for the growth of your business.

At the time of requesting for a feedback, the patients and clients are asked to give their ratings on a particular service offered by you and how likely are they to recommend it to a friend or colleague.

This is vital for the formation of your Net promoter Score which indicates to the data of your practise as well as to your practise and the relationship that you share with your patients and clients.

The services come with a testimonial widget that ensures that the displays of the testimonials given by the patients are easy.

It also facilitates easy and manual control of the patients' and clients' reviews and testimonials.

Patients who give you a high positive rating are also requested to give their ratings on other search engines such as Google, Yelp, Real self etc.

Magic Rating pricing plans

When signing up for a magic rating account, it will cost you just $99 per month. You also get to enjoy a 30 day free trial with expert setup. In case you require additional accounts for other locations, then it will cost you an additional $99 per month.

You are not required to enter into a long term contract with them. It is service which is offered from month to month. Once you no longer require the services of magic rating, all you need to do is make sure that you let them know about it and they will see that you are not billed for it again.

Intellius Medical

Intellius Medical is an online platform that generates reviews which you can utilise it to grow and expand your business. Apart from this, these reviews are also utilised to build a trusted brand and company name, improve customer experiences, increase customer engagement, and control, manage and track all of your reviews.

All this is possible because Intellius Medical engages itself along with the social media platforms and accounts that ensures a better communication, hassle free and effective business measures and decisions. They offer you special tools where you can expose your business on popular websites and increase your brand’s trust.

Apart from this, they also offer a dashboard which is user friendly, simple to use and offers you real time updates.

Why Intellius Medical is better than for generating online reviews?

When compared with magic rating, you will find that Intellius Medical offers you state of the art technology and software for the generation of online reviews and to make the entire process user friendly.

It integrates itself with social media platforms and social media accounts in order to facilitate better communication and hassle free customer experiences.

You can easily take control, manage and view all of the customer reviews with the special tools that come with it. This increases brand trust and better exposure of the products and services that you offer to your clients.

The dash board that comes with it is also user friendly and provides all of the updates in real time.

Apart from the above, you also get to enjoy real time updates on all the listings, rankings and interactions of the clients, about your business, the products and the services you offer.

Intellius Medical enables you to easily broadcast the happy customer reviews all over the internet. This is possible by directing them to the websites that you think are important for your business.

Intellius Medical ensures that you build better connections and relationships with your clients through various platforms like those of social media. You get all of your interactions on just a single dashboard. You can track and review all of them and easily respond to the reviews.

The entire process is timely and not time consuming. You get to enjoy quick and insightful overviews of the thoughts of the people about your business, the products that you offer them and the services rendered.

When compared to magic rating, you can clearly see that Intellius Medical offers you all that you need in order to make your business to look even more better!

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