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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

Top 25 Medspa Promotional Ideas: Uncover Benefits for Your Business

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

Medspa Promotional Ideas

Know your audience

The first step to branding is filtering your audience. Your medspa has visitors aged 25-34 the most for anti-aging treatments. The other group from 35-50 comes for some beauty and cosmetic surgical treatments to hide aging symptoms.

Now, the location of your medspa must be in the heart of the city. Research the number of women in that age category in your medspa surroundings. Clients from 25-30 km around can visit you physically.

Know their educational and financial status, because potential buyers can only afford to visit the medspa for beauty treatments. Going through all such filters, now you have a demographic-filtered audience group. Plan your promotion strategy to attract them.

Appear everywhere

Branding can never happen within a day or a month. It takes at least 6 months to see effective results through branding. All you can do is experiment with your strategies consistently. Brand recognition happens when you appear before the target audience.

96% of mobile users find services and products through social media. It is easy when you enter through mobile-friendly apps they use. Online branding has many modes from Facebook ads, Instagram, Email marketing, campaigns, business websites, and many.

Equally, 50% of branding happens through offline mode. Focus on both strategies to promote your medspa.

Text messages

This may be a surprise to you. Every hour people check for text messages at least five to six times. 90% of people read their text messages within the first 3 minutes of their arrival. Now, you may not think it is normal and outdated.

Seriously, the target audience will never miss your medspa promotion text message. 99% of people open and read their text messages every day. Send a greeting with your medspa name, location, and key contact details.

You can also add a website click through the link if possible.

Email marketing

Of course, people may block business or advertisement emails. At times, they put it in spam. 81% of emails are opened and read every day. The conversion rate through email is 1.22% for 100 emails.

This is huge. You can convince your audience through promotional emails. Be simple with your content. Address them by their name to get connected with them. Again give enough key details within 2-3 lines to the maxim.

No one reads ads patiently; when it is lengthy then you are lost.

Email signatures

Email signatures are trending nowadays. 52% of people use email signatures for branding.

You can include your logo for recognition with key details like name, address, contact details, alternative email address, social media links in profiles, business articles, video links, payment links, and appointment links. Together it can effectively turn your target audience into clients.

Facebook ads

Facebook is a standalone marketing platform. 78% of clients find services and products on Facebook. It is no wonder 7 million ads are viewed on Facebook per day. It has 1.9 billion users.

The Facebook ad leads serve as a filter to get details of your audience. Facebook posts are zero costs marketing idea.

Other than that, you can also create personalized ads on Facebook. Ad types like display ads, video ads, mobile ads, native ads, carousel ads, slideshow ads, and so on. You can begin with image or display ads. 

Fb ads bring 9.21% conversion rate. Choose the appropriate ad type targeting your medspa audience.

Instagram stories

Facebook and Instagram are two widely used social media platforms. Instagram has 1 billion monthly active users. It is as popular in the US as there are 157 million Instagram users. It also has young users aged 18-29 for 59%.

Average Instagram users are between 25-34 years. They are the target audience of your medspa. Instagram stories should be created and played in less than 10 seconds. You never take much of views time and there you have a great advantage.

You can read your audience's mind by posting Instagram polls. You can share reviews, testimonials, before and after images also there in Insta ads. Above all, 68% of Instagrammers are women. What is more needed then?

Websites for promotion

70% of medspa owners use websites for brand promotion. Most of the visitors leave websites within 15 seconds. Create pleasing and attractive web pages with themes and designs suiting your medspa.

The site map of the medspa website helps visitors to look for specific information. For example, create many web pages for various treatments like fillers, botox, sculpting, pep factor, and others. When you create user-friendly websites, there you succeed. You can also include a landing page that tells current ongoing offers and beauty campaigns of your medspa. The website that you create must be built on SEO guidelines.

Getting top rank on the search result page is a bit challenging. But there are 15% websites remains at the first result for years and years. To create such a website know the cornerstone strategy and 10X content creation.

If possible recruit a content writer to write the best content. Always make sure, the website loading speed should be less than 3 seconds. It highly depends on the images you use. So, use images and links as per SEO guidelines.

Live support

When you create a medspa website, there you find this live support. It is right below your web page. It is going online and interacting with your visitors. There may be questions relating to medspa treatments, effectiveness, cost, and follow-ups.

Your medspa professional can answer those questions live. Getting impressed with such free consultations and solving queries, visitors may convert as your client soon. This you can do often to clarify and solve visitors’ common queries on beauty treatments.

Likely, you can suggest your medspa adding to your answers. It is also a kind of effective promotion method.

Engage with audience

Don’t keep long intervals between posting your Facebook retargeting ads. Keep posting something that can bring you more traffic. It can be a post, short series of video ads, poll ads, review ads, testimonials, or offers. But keep posting an ad on your page where your potential audience checks often.

So, keep engaging your audience through any means to attract them to visit you again and again. Moreover, skincare, sculpting small daily exercise routines for the face, and such tips can be posted to retarget your audience.

This they find interesting and keep seeing your ads and one fine day they think of visiting your medspa.

Content marketing

Avail offline content for downloads. This can be on any topic relating to your medspa business. For example, create content on every beauty treatment, effectiveness, and lasting results separately as an article.

Make it available for offline downloads. People can click through links and read them for later reference. 96% of words are useless in all the contents. Give all your keywords within the first 100 words. Who knows they may visit your medspa as they read from you.


Blogs serve as a powerful off-page strategy. There is a locally targeted audience waiting to take your service in medspa. If you are smart enough to drive blogging to improve off-page strategy, there you succeed.

It is because blogging is for on-page strategies. 64% of people search before taking any therapeutic service or buying any products.  It is no surprise, 93% of business people use blogs to reach potential targets.

When you avail blogs on your service ready in the off-page, your website will be positioned to the top.

Click through links

Link building is getting quality backlinks and inbound links to your website.  Nowadays, Google or any search engine values a website by including the links integrated into it. Every month, there are 100 billion searches made in search engines on services, products, and content.

Search engines use a different algorithms to rank websites. It believes any website is authoritative based on links generated for a website. Backlinks are highly used as an off-page strategy. 

3-5 links for the web content of 1500 words is what is considered being right usage of links in a website.

Promote through third-party apps

Promotion is not always publishing ads on your pages. It includes other famous platforms. When you find social media pages with huge followers and a website that has more view rates, give your medspa ads there.

If possible, give your link there. When you find influencers, it is good to use them for promotion. Scannable links can also be used in your medspa. So your visitors know more about you.

Offer special gifts for those who share your links. It can be simple like offering 10% on sharing links for 10 people they know.

GMB page optimization

GMB stands for Google My Business. It is a platform where your medspa business appears to visitors of local search results. It focuses on ranking your medspa business both online and offline to increase visibility in search engine result pages.

It benefits you by boosting traffic, bringing more exposure; improving ranking, analyzing website performance. As you know optimization is arranging and rearranging your off-page SEO strategy in a way to show your medspa at top of the result page.

Reviews and feedback

Most of the audience read 3-5 reviews online before taking services or purchasing. Share customer feedback and reviews on your medspa social media pages.

This should be done by getting permission from the respective client. Testimonials may include transformation before after videos as well.

Offers and gifts

There is always a craze for gifts, offers, and discounts. Avail offers for every occasion or particular beauty treatment. When you can't afford anything, offer a free consultation or skin test. Spend your inventory products by giving gifts. As told before, announce discounts on sharing your ads.

Avail online bookings

Do not let your visitors look for other options. For that, you need to embed a booking page on your website. Surely, people book immediate appointments and visit your medspa physically. You can increase the conversion rate of your medspa by 2.35-5.31%.

This means having 1000 customers at the place of 30 customers. Show your schedules and booking page right below your website to have more new bookings than ever.


Call to Action is one effective way to reach patients immediately. When someone views your ads and finds them impressive, they can immediately contact you through such a key communicative mode.

Promotional Videos

Videos on your website increase 33% of extra visitors to your medspa. The audience likes viewing than reading. 93% of businesses use videos and 81% of people view videos before buying or choosing any service or product.

Put a video with your medspa staff; show your ambiance and before after images of transformation. But before and after images can be shared only with the approval of the customer.

Create your app

Creating apps for branding is more popular now. If you can afford and support such app creation, then you surely do it for promoting your medspa.

User-friendly zone

Optimize your ads and promote content to users' viewability. 90% of ads are viewed on mobiles. To create user-friendly mobile optimization pages and other such options to please your visitors. This can also effectively bring more clients to your medspa.


Using podcasts to promote your medspa seems to be the most effective strategy.  90 Million People listen to podcasts daily.

This proves podcasts a place where your potential targeted audiences meet so often.  Even those who are not listening to podcasts use Google to listen to their favorite podcasts whenever they wish. Build your medspa podcast in the following way.

  • Use show notes as your backlinks and natural links

  • Create customized URL links through podcasting host

  • Use blog content for interviews


Once you do all the above steps, 92% of first-time visitors never get back to you for the second time. So, concentrate more on retargeting ads as they bring 10 times more clients.

Be consistent

Branding takes lots of time to work. Stick to any promotion idea, but be very consistent in following it till you see results. Consistency is the key.

Some of the ideas can work without spending more money. So, devise your idea to increase traffic to your medspa!

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