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Writer's pictureDaniel Madhan

25 Social Media Marketing Ideas/Tips to Get Appointments for Your Spa and Salon 

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

According to data, 98% of marketers agreed that Instagram is the most influential platform for influencer marketing. 57% of consumers will follow a brand on social media to learn about new products or services, while 47% of consumers will follow a brand to stay up to date on company news.

The benefit of advertising on social media. 70% of marketers agreed that social media marketing with increased web traffic, and almost 90% agreed that social media has improved their business exposure.

Social media marketing for two years or more have seen increased sales. We can clearly see from these stats that social media is instrumental to the success of businesses. As a spa or salon owner, it is important that you advertise your spa or salon on social media to connect with lots of potential clients. Social media is a free platform where you can engage effectively with potential clients until they become active clients. In this article, we are going to enumerate 25 Social Media Marketing Ideas/Tips that you can use to get appointments for your Spa and salon.

1. Use an Appropriate Profile Picture and Cover Photo

When it comes to using social media for your marketing needs, the first step is creating an optimized profile picture and cover photo. Your profile picture should be a high-resolution photo of your company's logo or something that depicts your brand. Your profile picture is the first thing that people see in their newsfeed. Hence, it should be of high quality and people should be able to recognize your brand when they view your profile picture. Your profile picture should be resized to a 180px x 180px square. It should display perfectly when viewed on a mobile or tablet. Your cover photo is just as important as your profile picture. If you’re creating a Facebook account, you need to pay keen attention to your cover photo. A lot of people will immediately view your cover photo after viewing your profile picture. Your cover photo should have the same qualities as your profile picture. It should tell a more comprehensive story about what you. Cover photo displays larger than profile photo. Your cover photo could be your product photos, pictures of your team, etc. Size your cover photo correctly to allow your audience to see the full photo. The optimum size for a cover photo on Facebook is 815px x 215px.

2. Fill Out Your Facebook Bio Correctly

Another social marketing idea is filling out your Facebook bio correctly. Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world right now. You need to fill out your Facebook bio so that your audience can have complete knowledge of what your spa or salon is all about. A business's Facebook bio comprises of multiple parts including the About Section, Posts, Events, Services, Groups, Notes, Offers, etc. Fill out all the sections with the right information. Upload photos and videos of the treatments and services you provide in your spa. You can also include a link to your website, email address, and other contact details to make it easy for people to contact you.

3. Set a Consistent Posting Schedule

Consistently posting relevant and engaging content on your social media pages is very important if you want to keep your audience engaged and more aware of your spa. Consistently sharing new and engaging content on your social media page will help remind them to check-in. According to studies, you should post content on your Facebook page at least once per day.

4. Schedule Your Posts at the Optimum Time

In order for your posts to be seen by more people, you need to post them at the best optimum times. To maximize the life of your content, you should schedule your posts to publish at the best time where they can get in front of more people. According to research, scheduling your posts at 9 am, 1 pm and 3 pm will give your content the best chance to be seen by more people.

5. Use Video To Attract Your Audience

When it comes to attracting your audience, posting videos that contain useful information and exciting graphics is key. According to data, 93% of brands have earned new customers by posting videos on social media. As of 2017, videos are the most reliable type of content to publish. The current Facebook algorithm pushes videos to the top of your audience's newsfeed. This is another good reason why you should use engaging videos to attract your audience. Capture videos of treatments and procedures and post them on your Facebook page.

6. Target The Right Audience Using Facebook's In-App Targeting Features

Facebook’s In-app targeting features allow you to control who sees your ads based on their demographics. It allows you to create a target demographic and push your content onto their feeds. This targeting feature allows you to segment your audience and deliver the right content to the right audience and at the right time. This helps to hasten your conversion rates by allowing prospects to move quickly through your marketing funnel.

7. Use Facebook Advertising To Boost The Reach of Your Posts

While manually posting content on your Facebook page can get to the reach of some of your Facebook friends and followers, embracing Facebook advertising can make your content get to the reach of people that are not in your social circle. According to data, 92% of social marketers are now using Facebook for advertising. With Facebook advertising, you can get your spa or saloon in front of more people. You can increase your engagements and make more conversions.

8. Make Your Creativity and Voice Count

Social media is a huge platform and millions of businesses are constantly displaying their products and services on social media. Just as the numbers of social media users are enormous, the competition among brands is also huge. For you to stand out and be able to attract the right prospects, you need to use creativity to your advantage. Brands that are able to carve out some sort of niche or trademark are often the ones with the highest audience. The more followers you have on your social media pages, the more opportunities you have to advertise your spa to more people. To gain more prospects, you need to be creative and be able to make an impression on your followers. Post images, videos, and engaging content that can grab the attention of your followers.

9. Create Instagram-Specific Landing Pages

Instagram offers brands a single bio link to funnel traffic directly from their Instagram pages to their website. You can use this opportunity presented to direct traffic from your Instagram page to your landing page. Ensure that your destination pages are optimized for Instagram’s mobile users. Promote Instagram-specific landing pages or mobile-optimized landing pages. By doing this, you will be able to create a seamless shopping experience for your visitors and also have the opportunity to measure how well your Instagram followers are converting.

10. Increase Your Outreach With Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories is dominating the Instagram space right now. A lot of brands on Instagram are now using Instagram Stories to showcase their products and services. Instagram Stories offer brands the opportunity to be creative when promoting their products and services. Instagram Stories offer you the opportunity to promote your spa by using images, videos and texts to create stories. You can create polished product photos with a specific call-to-action and post them on your Instagram Stories.

The good thing about Instagram Stories is that you can see the people that have viewed your posts. You can message and engage with them until they become active clients.

11. Curate and Promote User-Generated Content

Filling up your content calendar with user-generated content is one of the best ways to market and sell your brand to your audience. Search for user-generated content like photos, videos, hashtag mentions, etc, and promote them on your social media pages.

12. Couple Your Instagram Posts With the Right Hashtags

Hashtags and Instagram go hand in hand. Hashtags enable new followers to discover your content and also encourage other people to share posts that are related to your brand. Using the right Hashtags can make your spa be seen by more people on Instagram. Your Instagram followers can help you share your posts using Hashtags.

13. Stick to a Product-Focused Content Calendar

When promoting content on your social media pages, you should always know the right things to post. Product-related posts are among the most popular types of content on social media. Showcase your products and services to your audience so that they can exactly what you’re offering. Highlight what you’re offering in style and make them look attractive. As a spa or salon owner, post pictures of skin care products and treatments to wow your audience. Impress them with “Before and After” photos.

14. Promote Your Spa With Instagram Ads

With over 1billion active users, Instagram is a fertile ground to promote your spa using Instagram paid ads. Instagram ads allow you to target specific audiences and scale your promotions.

15. Partner With Influencers

There are a lot of influencers with huge followers on Facebook and Instagram that can help you get your spa to the right audience. Influencers are people with huge numbers of followers. Most of them are celebrities and people that are largely known. You can partner with influencers or pay them a fee to promote your spa on their social media pages.

16. Keep Your Content Short

social media platforms have reduced the number of words or characters that you can write and post. The fewer the number of characters, the better the results. When your message or content is too long, most people will scroll over to the next. Keep your messages short so that people can find them easy to read.

17. Create Headlines for Your Posts

To better capture the attention of your audience, it is a great initiative to create headlines for your posts. People will likely read a post with a headline more than a post without a headline. Apart from making your post stand out and get more attention, adding a headline also helps you stand out in Google searches.

18. Practice Private Messaging

While posting content on the newsfeed of your social media pages is good, messaging your followers via Facebook messenger and others can help you make personal connections with your followers. You can provide them with more in-depth and detailed information. Since you’re communicating with them privately, you can explain in detail the services and treatments you provide for their better understanding. Private messaging can help you convert prospects faster than public posts.

19. Pay Attention to Your Posting Frequency  

While it is important to keep your social media pages active by posting content, you should also know when to take a break. Posting every minute can make your social media pages look spamming. When you post all the time, people will easily get tired of seeing your posts. It is important that you post on a consistent basis to maximize results. This means you shouldn’t anyhow. Your audience should be able to predict when they’ll be expecting to see a post from you.

20. Use Facebook Share to get to more people

Facebook Share feature allows your Facebook friends and followers to share your content on their Facebook pages. This helps to increase the number of people that see your posts. When you post content on your Facebook page, politely ask your Facebook friends and followers to share the post on their Facebook pages. This will help get your content to the eyes of more people.

21. Use GIFs Wisely

While GIF can help you get the attention of your audience, it could be counter-productive. It is not every post you make that you should include GIFs. GIFs can be annoying to some people. You should also be aware that lots of GIFs are spamming and virus-laden. For these reasons, a lot of people have reservations about clicking on ads with GIFs. If you must use GIFs, you should use them wisely. Decide what types of posts to include GIFs Know what types of GIFs are appropriate for your posts. How often you should use GIFs. Know when GIF is appropriate to use.

22. Create a Community for Your Audience

Having huge numbers of followers on your social media pages is not all there is to succeed in your marketing campaigns. You need to engage with your followers and show them that you are not just a robot or a snob. Integrate your personality through humor and emotions into your posts. This will make your followers draw closer to you and better relate to your brand. Social media is all about being social. You need to be social and friendly with your followers so that you can get them to like you. When they like you, they will naturally want to come to you and accept whatever you’re offering. Communicate and interact with them. Make your communications with them interactive. Ask them questions. Know their opinions about you and other issues and work with their opinions. Share other interesting information with them rather than just information about your services. Like, comment, and share some of their posts. Ask them to interact with your posts by liking, commenting, and sharing your posts.

23. Use Brand Advocates

Your brand advocates are your current clients. They are those people that are satisfied with your services and love your brand. These sets of people are your best promotional tool. Use your current clients to market your brand and get new clients. They are the people that prospective clients will listen to better than you because they have had first-hand experience with your services and brand. Leverage your current clients to get connected to potential clients by asking them to post your promotional content on their social media pages.

24. Run Cross-channel Campaigns

You will be limiting yourself if you have just one social media account. To meet more people, you should create business accounts on all the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you like, you can create an account on the other social media platforms. Optimize each of your social media accounts and increase the number of your followers in each account. By doing this, you can get to more audience, make more engagements and conversions.

25. Show The Real You by Going Live

Sometimes, it is a good idea to go live so that your social media audience can see you live. Going live on Instagram and Facebook allows your followers to see you and communicate with you live. Going live brings you an opportunity to talk about your services to your followers in real-time. Show your audience that there is an actual human on the other side of the screen.


Social media is one of the most effective channels that you can use to market your spa or salon to get more appointments and bookings. The good thing about using social media for your marketing campaigns is that you don’t have to spend so much money.

With little money or nothing at all, you can gain so much by using social media. Follow all these ideas and tips that we have explained to get your spa in front of more people and acquire new clients.

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